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[Humanoid Description]:
Typically, the green dragon favors the female form of a short, stunningly fabulous sun elf, tanned and black of hair. When assuming this guise, she goes by the alias of Mycah Wylls, an anagram of her true name. Mycah is always dressed in a gauche but presentable fashion, and she carries herself with an air of belonging.

[Draconic Description]:
Wymsyllach the Compassionate is an adult green dragon. Her viridian scales have been polished to perfection, mirror-like in their quality. Like all green dragons she breathes poisonous gases, which, in her instance, when exhaled in lesser amounts have been known to make those subjected to them more susceptible to suggestions.

She is surprisingly helpful towards most races, but seems to have a chip on her shoulder when it comes to drow and gold dwarves. Her most noteworthy ability is her uncanny ability to communicate mentally with animals, a trait she must've picked up on after years of living out of her Faerûnian forest domain.
Player:Mistress of Deceit
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf