Amarit Sage

Portrait Save
- Name: Amarit
- Pronounced: Ah-mah-reet
- Aura: Neutral Evil
- Demeanor: Quiet, Thoughtful, Selfish
- Orientation: Pansexual
- Disposition: Switch, dominant leaning
- Profession: Free Agent
- Faith: Shattered
- Status: Moderately Fertilized

- Race: Drider
- Sex: Female*
- Age: Looks 26
- Hair: Very Red
- Eyes: Dark Mossy Flint
- Height: Varies
- Skin: Dusky skin paired to a predominantly black carapace with red and grey markings
- Build: Curvy, with a positively inhuman booty
- Bust: 36 G
- Piercings:
- Tattoos & Markings:
- Asterisk: Those that seek it may find she has an ovipositor as well, but that can't be too surprising
- Description:
Tall, dark and mysterious.

It would certainly be accurate, but such a description would at once encompass her and miss the point entirely, for no matter how obvious Amarit's feminine allures, it would surely be her unnatural seeming curse that would most easily draw the eye.  Swaying lithe and lovely atop the thorax of a mother orb-weaver's swollen figure, this drow matron's unearthly elven grace is only overmatched by the sheer monstrosity of her unnatural state- Amarit is a drider, the perfect fusion of beauty and horror, life and death...  [Under Construction]

None... yet.

Only one way to find out...

Amarit has a number of abilities one might suspect of a giant half-elf, half-spider broodmother.

Night Sight -
While her darkvision allows her excellent perception in the dead of night, the drawback leaves her eternally squinting and blinking in the daylight, preferring to keep her eyes closed if possible, shaded when necessary.

Mechanical Assistance -
For all her many limbs, it seems she lost one and had to have it replaced.  While upper body strength is not her forte, her left arm seems the exception, its construction of almost seamless bands of silvery metal giving her dominant nature a literal iron fist.  At times the metalwork seems oddly to creep out from her shoulder's joint, spreading across her chest and back in shifting patterns of reflective metal inlaid across the skin much as one might bear a tattoo.

Orb Weaver -
Her spinnerets are quite functional, though she keeps herself meticulously clean of any stray strands of webbing.  Should the need arise, her ability to produce near endless amounts of silken strands makes the creation of flexible rope, or the construction of a web, or a captivating cocoon.. a mere matter of will and time, and not much at that.

Spider's Kiss -
A simple smile should prove warning enough to most, easily showing off her pair of pronounced fangs.  Amorous love-bites from Amarit lend a venomous edge to her affections; capable of completely paralyzing weaker prey, those of stronger constitutions might experience something closer to drowsiness, while outsiders of immortal persuasion have been known to treat her kind's venom as a mild intoxicant.

Drider's Milk -
Amarit's excessive fertility leaves her ever-ready to feed and sustain her many daughters, as such her heavy breasts are always on the edge of leaking.  Lightly wrapped in the thinnest of cloth to keep from exacerbating her over-sensitivity to the faintest touch; the reality of her condition keeps her often swaying backward atop her many legs, the massive, soft orbs of her bosom bouncing against the narrow scarf she calls a top even as she tries to keep herself from handsy interlopers.

Brood Mother -
At any given time Amarit carries within her hundreds of eggs ready to be fertilized as well as those already so.  Driven to find the most virile seed to create the next generation of her spawn, once her eggs are fertilized Amarit must find yet another mate within whom to incubate her eggs to complete her breeding cycle.  Ever seeking an eager would-be mother to many, Amarit's predatory manner of reproduction requires an ovipositor that emerges from between her spinnerets as a thick and fleshy tendril that tapers to a point, ready to push as deep as need be to implant her many, many eggs in her latest mate.  Her drider daughters birthed from the surrogate mother in a flood of enlarged eggs when the appointed time comes, everything about mating with Amarit from beginning to end is as bountiful as it is monstrous.

Amarit is, however, also capable of bearing children herself.. should she become impregnated in an apparently more traditional manner the daughters born of such a pairing would only pass as drow with a passing glance- the presence of prominent fangs, the silvery, extra little eyes staring back giving her daughters an alien edge to their otherworldly elven beauty.

Hive Queen -
Telepathically connected to her daughters, both "elven" appearing and those blessed with more arachnid figures, Amarit is instinctively driven to fulfill her fullest potential as a broodmother and to see that each successive generation of her spawn do the same.

Plot Hooks.
Rumors have it a drider has been hanging about at the Whispering Raven, creeping people out.  Similar talk about the Sinifer slums is surely more easily dismissed as a normal state of affairs.

Some people say giant spiders have been showing up on beaches at night.

At least one credible witness claims to have seen a busty drider lounging in a remote corner of the Forest of Eternity- smoking an ornate water-pipe.

Green: Amarit is open to many things.  Send a tell if you have something specific in mind.
Unsure?  Curious?  Ask.
Red: All the Usual Unacceptables.  Poorly-roleplayed combat.

OOC Notes.
Tell friendly.
Player:La Maquina
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Uknown