Spinel Butcher

Portrait Save
Blonde hair, brown eyes, a heart shaped face with a light speckling of freckles across her nose. Spinel is a pretty young woman in her late teens or early twenties. She's almost five and a half feet tall when bare foot, and regardless of what she wears, her curvy frame is easy to detect.

Narrow, but strong looking, shoulders support large, firm breasts that are much more than a single handful. A slim waist flares out to wide hips and somewhat generous backside, taut and rounded in shape, with just a hint of jiggle when she walks.

Generally soft spoken, her voice is pleasant to the ears and rarely raises in anger. With some practice, she might even be a decent singer.

Her scent is subtly spicy, a combination of various herbs that mingle well together.

She does carry a single weapon: a slightly oversized butcher's knife, usually tucked into the waistband of her skirt.

She is a little secretive about her past, seeming almost nervous, or afraid, to talk about where she came from and why she left.

(Reluctantly) Submissive character.

Green Lights:
Far too many to list, with a strong, and highly encouraged, preference towards non-consent (rape), force, roughness, and abuse. Orcs, goblins, beastmen, savage and/or tribal type races are particular favorites. If it allows the RP to flow naturally, it's most likely green. However anything long term, permanent, or extreme should be cleared OOC first, please.

Red Lights:
Violating server rules. First and second person emotes. Feces and vomit. Purely romantic. Strictly vanilla. Monogamy. OOC possessiveness in any shape, way, or form. People who vanish mid RP without warning or explanation.
Player:Peculiar Tastes
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human