Kazire Morrius

Portrait Save
(newbie who's tell and approach friendly)
Height: 5'8
Age: 24
Race: Thiefling
Gender: Herm(identifies as male)
Skin tone: Pale
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black

Orphaned by his mother, a noble woman who didn?t want to bear the shame of a ?demon child? or expose her own unfaithfullness, Kazire grew up on the streets, learning to use a combination of dexterity and charms to fend for himself.
He led a fairly promiscuous life, even slept around for money at times, and while part of him enjoyed the freedom, he allways yearned to do something more with his life. (WIP)

Reds: stuff banned by the server

Greens: RP, ERP, breeding, bottoming, rape.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf