
Known Names: Vhaziel
Race: Celestial (Corrupted)
Domains: Lust, Fertility, Change
Sex: Hermaphrodite (Visually female)


The Change bringer, a lesser divinity, is a brood mother, created by the corruption of a divine spark. In her true form, Vhaziel is a sight that inspires awe, fear, and desire in equal measure. Standing ten feet tall, six pairs of heavenly wings frame her nude form. Her body is soft, and supple, with four breasts adorning her chest, while from her back, just above her waist, a pair of slick, undulating tentacles slip from folds in her flesh, both obvious marks of the corruption of her divine form. Likewise, from her brow, a mighty crown of thick horns crest her serene face, which is framed by silvery white hair. The final mark of corruption to Vhaziel's form, draws one's sight to her shamelessly exposed sex, from which, occasionally escaping her supple, thickly flush folds, what can only be described as a long, thick tongue laps as her sex and the inside of her thighs, waiting, hungering to taste the seed of those she happens upon.

Though corrupted, Vhaziel is hardly violent, she is in truth, quite gentile, and if threatened, prefers to subdue, rather than kill. a curious sort, Vhaziel seems to enjoy studying anything new to her, though her own unending lust often causes her to attempt to bed much of what she comes across.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human