Nadira Okoro

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A tall, proud and distinctly exotic woman, Nadira met the curious gazes of most with a passive, disinterested one of her own. She dressed in an array of earth-toned silks and linens, fitted to her elegant figure, with plenty of brass-toned jewelry to compliment the deep ebony of her skin. Any makeup she wore would be subtle, aside from the occasional decorative dots of red or black just below her jade eyes.
A long mane of raven locks, fixed into what must have been a hundred braids, was styled in an updo that left a fair few woven locks to fall about her face and back - the hive atop her head adorned in silk wrappings, brass beads, and even a flower or two.
With such dark, smooth, and lustrous features yet such a frigid countenance, it would be hard to determine her age (and harder still through her soothing tone and heavy accent). From looks to mannerisms, all lent an air of mystery, and her demeanor deterred most from ever inquiring. In any case, she carried herself through new lands with a high-held chin and an almost dizzying cloak of aromas; incense, oils and perfumes she oft peddled with her kin in the market.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human