
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zhorgha ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Like the labias on a mother giving birth, the edges of a portal between two universes parted and through it squeezed Zhorgha,
the mighty spawn of a twisted union between the exalted sultan of the genies of 'Kulthripatnarh' and the arch-duchess over the 'Halls of Agony'.

Her hair -a billowy dark mess of almost oily black shadow constantly writhing and swirling around her head- crackled with flashes of arcane energy that occasionlly lit up the skin of her body, while tentace-like strands of her dark mane lashed out like whips as they swept around her.

From within the storm of shadow peered a pair of red orbs; always watching, studying, measuring, selecting...ever burning with
lust and murder.

A pair of wondrously luscious lips acted as gates to her mouth. Should they ever part would then be revealed one of Zhorgha's many dreadful secrets, for Zhorgha used not her mouth to speak, only to feast.
Rows of thin razor sharp teeth similar to that of a piranha's -used not to chew but to rip and tear- stretched across the inside of the jaws.
Then there was the tongue; a long, flexible fleshy and extendable appendage, covered in sticky saliva and stud-like barbs used to lick marrow out of bone and the curious capacity to fester upon emotions of lust, fear and carnality. It was truly the beast utilizing the 'allure of the beauty'.

For a beauty she was, Zhorgha -in her own twisted way. Her body a perfectly balanced mix of voluptuous curves and powerful muscle.
Whatever madness had designed her composition, had spared no expense in regards to her bust. Magnificent orbs of soft flesh bounced lecherously wherever she strode forth, generously displayed for all to see, for Zhorgha wore no clothing. She had since long learnt the value of keeping fabric absent from covering her body, as the lack thereof had clearly aided in her constant desire to consume.

The blue hued skin of Zhorgha's body stretched over her fairly broad shoulders and down a pair of mighty arms, that would eventually -from the elbows and downwards- be replaced with what looked like forearms of a dark wet substance, to their core almost seeming as if made out of a mucky liquid. Black vapors and smoke emanated -twirled and wreathed- around and along them as they came to end in hands fashioned with cruel elongated talon-like fingers.
She was a predator, Zhorgha, and equipped accordingly.

Her navel were framed by a set of well defined abs stretching down to a pelvis beautifully designed for mating, though Zhorgha would never bear any children. The gods had at least seen to that.
A bushy mess of pubic hair -like a concentrated thickhet of thorns-  
adorned her venus.

In the eyes of beings driven by wanton lust were Zhorgha's sex as desireable as that of any woman. To those who would come to enter between her folds it held no apparent secrets, save perhaps for the well trained muscles within.
Zhorgha was no virgin, and she had
had ample practice -and time- to learn a thing or two about carnal pleasures.
The ancient guardian of the tomb of Yarrack'ath'nell were but one among many that knew the scent and touch of Zhorgha's perversely inviting behind.
If asked about it maybe she could have told -had she still been alive-, alas the guardian drew breath no more, having been smoothered to death by the well shaped buttocks of the very one in question.

It was rumored Shauul, one of the dukes of the underworld too had fallen victim to Zhorgha's wrath, cloven in two between her mighty thighs.
Surely nothing more but the exaggerated and vivid imaginations of some bards' wicked tale, ...yet at the sight of Zhorgha's powerfull legs, perhaps one still might ponder its authenticity.
Much the same as with her arms did Zhorgha's legs turn from flesh to a wicked dark substance -wet, yet solid- as they carried her mighty frame without issue. The dark smoke that pressed out of her limbs in thick puffs covered her feet, though it took but a few moments of dedicated study to discover not toes, but heavy claws sharp and strong enough to tear through iron.
She was a lumbering giantess, Zhorgha.
Deceptively so.

Dark, billowing clouds covered the night sky and stretched an ominous landscape behind Zhorgha as a storm began to rage with rain, flashes and thunder.
Perhaps the gods were furious due to her arrival and showed their displeasure, or perhaps they were frightened and attempted to scare her back through the portal?
To Zhorgha it mattered not, she feared neither god nor devil. And so came her eyes to set upon the city of Sinfar.
What horrors would await it now, that Zhorgha had arrived to

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lights ~~~~~~~~~~~~
## Men, women and the variants inbetween; when it came to feasting Zhorgha discriminated not between the sexes.

## Though she rarely kept slaves of any kind, there were among Zhorgha's many victims those who appeared to be favourites to which she returned frequently.

## Zhorgha consumed not only flesh but also savored the essence of emotions such as fear, pain and debauchery.
 As such she tended to toy with her victims in manners of making them feel helpless or "inspired" to perform deeds of a twisted nature.

## Although constantly driven by her endless appetite, Zhorgha had been seen to involve herself with the plots and schemes of other beings, even aiding them in furthering their causes, if only to further that of her own as well.

##  While Zhorgha did not shun the undead it was rumored she only feasted upon the recently turned as their emotional scent still retained some of its pungency.

## As twisted as the blasphemous union between her parents, was her mind; lewd tales hinted of Zhorgha to not only  opulate with beings of similar apparation, but also a selected variety of beasts and monstrosities,
if perhaps only to slate her hunger.

## The oft times expressedly violent and predatory nature of Zhorgha had her consumption of flesh come with a table etiquette of fitting fashion. It was not a pretty sight and one would do well to turn ones head.

## Zhorgha's toilet-etiquette on the other hand held a higher standard, albeit she was rumored to occasionally force the taste of her golden nectar upon a victim.

## Zhorgha were not a being of mercy, but of voracious appetite. As such she tended to take whatever she desired, with little regard for the fate of her victims.

## For as mighty as Zhorgha might appear, she could  not break the fundamental laws of the cosmos, but then again so could none other.

## Though Zhorgha had allied with other beings, she was not the kind to bow before anyone.

## Her appetite did not extend to feces and vomit

## Zhorgha seemed indifferent when it came to animals and children.

## Despite an endless hunger Zhorgha still needed to digest inbetween feedings.

## Zhorgha held little regard for love and romance. She had little use for it as her womb was dead.

## Despite being something of a freakshow, Zhorgha avoided beings which ruined the immersion of her evil.

~ It was claimed Zhorgha had telepathic abilities and rumor had it she would even occasionally reply quite friendly to questions directed at or regarding her person. Though the same rumors also claimed her reason for doing so were the potential opportunity to feast that might came from such behaviour ~
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human