
>~< <{ Born of the Ice and Snow }>~ ><

Gender/Sex: Female (mutable)
Race: Draconic
Hair: Snow White
Eyes: Sharp-Pupils in pools of glacial blue. They glow softly with an inner light.

     Slight of stature, her frame cuts a strange figure with large scale-shrouded wings and a winding serpentine tail behind her. Both covered in smooth hard pearlescent white scales that scatter and sparkle softly in the light with a light coat of rime. The rest of that body quite a tight build. Arms and shoulders corded with sinewy muscle trailing down the rest of her form with a light definition of hard-fought cut muscle to her soft flesh . The kind one only gets from braving the wilds in the Northlands of her home, through miles of deep snows and over leagues of flat tundras.

     Athletic, and spry. The sure-step of a seasoned tracker in her quick and sure movements.

    Outwardly, her demeanor is calm but below the glacial surface lurks erratic flickers and twitches of a tangible palpable irritation in her very core. Her blood boiling with the primal fury of her kin. An ever present hint of a barely contained bestial frenzy that rests in the set of her rolling shoulders and if present, the snapping lengths of her tattered looking wings.

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      The features of her face hidden away behind a carved mask of pale wood, and a heavy woolen hood pulled aver her head. Barely seen scrawlings of scaled scroll work and various runes running along it's edges, deep in the shadows of it.

     If one were lucky, to get a glimpse of her face. They'd find it painted across the forehead with draconic markings, scrawled onto the flesh with natural blue inks. Her hair is shock white, the color of snow in high altitudes. While air around her becomes quite cool and you could almost swear that you see wisps of her breath no matter what the weather.

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Primal. Heat/Rut. Breeding. Roughness. Dubious Con. Anal. Tail Fucking. Biting/Scratching/Clawing. Cuddling After the heat has worn off. Watersports. Scent Marking.

Red: Scat. Heavy Gore. Long-term Character Relationships. Low Effort. No Bios.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human