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   "Normal is an illusion.
  What is normal for the spider,
    is chaos to the fly."

   B a s i c s
  Name: Hitachi 'Cheshire' Xie'l
  Alias: Cheshire of the Dark Hunt
  Race: Dirlagraun (Displacer Beast)
  Alignment: Neutral Evil
  Age: 130
  Height: 7' (Humanoid), 4'2 (True Form)
  Body Length: 9'0 Long (True Form)
  Eye Color: Solid Purple
  Fur Color: Midnight, blue-black
  Origins: Cheshire's Demesne*, Feywilds
  Gender: N/A

Rare was it to see the creature known as 'Cheshire' to appear in it's truest form, what stood before most was it's favored guise. Standing below 7', it could be mistaken as a anthropomorphic panther catfolk with shimmering midnight black-blue fur, albeit with some glaring differences.

Standing up on long streamlined digitigrade legs, moving upwards you'd find not one pair but two pairs of arms with them being the lesser dominate then the upper, covered entirely in a thin pelt fur, Cheshire had a slight dotted pattern forming lines along both arms with a splatter formation of the dotted off tone of fur forming a stretched 'V' on the center of it's upper chest, to the normal eye it was just a lighter shade, only under True Sight or those of Feyblood can see the almost bioluminescence like soft-shimmer of the dots in a deep purple tone that pulse and fluctuate in various states of emotion.

It's Head the shape of a panther and other wise normal save the constant solid orbs of purple that emanates a deep glow of purple, its difficult to say where it's gaze is most times. It does come with the more standard feline tail of equally midnight furred, however there are two extra 'tail'-like apendages that come out from both shoulder blades and hang down, there are pads on each of the tendril-like tails with small surface of organic spikes that seem to retract to act as grapplers, or extended where it seems they've addapted to secrete a coating that can cause any various Unbalancing effect on the victim either physically or mentally.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human