Chalael Wyrd af Sumargaror

"As i was young, i wanted to build golden bridges between the islands. Now i wish to build silver bridges between all people."

Race: Myobu Kitsune
Gender & Sex: Female
Cultural Origin: Ainu/Utari
Known titles:
Knight of Summercourt, Order of the Faerie Fire
Inari no Onnabugeisha ("Female warrior of Inari")

On her armor robes and weapons are three kanji runes that can be esily spoted, standing for: Aiki-Ryu. Though the first Kanji is different depending on angle one looks from at it, one times it is "Harmonie/Unity" another time "Love".

A small kitsune woman with a great spirit and heart. She is usually joyful and has a smile on her face. Even when she is not smiling, it seems already engraved into her face, leaving a friendly and kind impression. On her hips and in other places are small paddings of fat. Just in right places of a nicely curverous small round body with a thin waist, wide hips and strong legs. Prefering more boyish and practical clothing. She seems often on the ready for an adventure. Explorer and philosopher by heart, trying to open every door of knowledge and gain insight on the structure of multiversum. Not afraid of the neverending domino of questions.

True Form: Those lucky to spot her in her true form or to use true sight, see a white fox with a bush of several tails and three stumps of slightly diverent lengths that look as if something sharp had taken them off with a single arc. The fourth tail near them bare of any fur on the side facing them, the tip missing. If one was to count the remaining tails, it would sum up at 5.
Those that spoted her in the past with true sight would notice a difference so far, as the fox form was not visible.

White: Cute girls, boys and shemales! Romances and flirting. Light/Mild Bondage / BDSM, orcs, barbarians and similar! Characters with depth and background. Immersity.

Green: Groups, Goblins, Imps, Monstrous / bestial / mystical races, rough sex, temporary enslavement and capture, males, story/roleplay driven conflicts and pvp, light/mild non-con.

Yellow: Extreme/hardcore things. ERP with Chars from "Earth" (This breaks game immersity for me).

Orange: Random walk up erp (Unlikely to happen currently and this char)

Red: Hardcore non-con, gore, breaking server rules.

[Her powers grant her shapechanging abilities, allowing her to temporarily grow a cock when being intimate with females, let me know please when you dont want that and prefer regular lesbian scene, or the other way around, i am fine with both.]
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human