Ssrigah'Ultrine Wen'Feyja

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Name: Ssrigah'Ultrine ("Passionate Conqueror" in the Common Tongue) Wen'Feyja (A Noble House of Menzoberranzan, The City of Spiders.)

Home: Che'El Oloth Lle'lsgar

Age: Undetermined (See Story)

Gender: Female (Younger Maternal twin)

Orientation: Pansexual, but leans more to company of those expressed as female.

Height: 5'9" (Freakishly tall like her mother)

Weight: about 125 pounds

Ssrig, has barely been alive a heartbeat before her life got...strange. Considering who her mother is... that strangeness seems more obvious. Will the traits of her mother become mirrored by this daughter... or something else entirely??
One thing is clear... she was only minutes old when the power of Lolth quickly began to flow thru her! Chronologically... Ssrig is about 3 human years old. But due to the forced unnatural aging process at birth, she is biologically 120 (human years- 24 yrs old as a drow)  Yes, this makes her "older" than her mother.

The events that transpired shortly after she and her twin were born, are open to speculation, suspicion and even conspiracy theories!  
Player:Derelict Explorer
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf