William Manderly

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Tall, lanky, and striking a rather dashing demeanor William, or Billy as he prefers to be called, seems quite nimble on his feet as he walks across the floor or the deck.  While not bristling with muscles, he was toned and well kempt.  His lips are almost always in a perpetual smirk and his is a flirtatious personality, He tends to carry himself with an air of confidence.  A single, teardrop ruby on a dark metal chain hangs from his left ear complementing his stylish ensemble.

The man was not devoid of his markings, noting him for the profession he chose.  His eyes, a sea green, oft wash over his surroundings to note the casual ongoings and mischief to be had. His hair appears to be an unruly mass of brunette, always seeming to be in a fabulous tussle as the wind has its way. Oft seen shirtless when working upon the waters, an aqua sea serpent was adorned upon his chest. The depiction a story surely to be heard or a tall tale at least. His boyish charm carrying him as he walks, swings, and swaggers his way about to his destination. Question remains: What is that destination?
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf