Queen Elanor

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//She possess RP abilities

//Character is based on strong racial intolerance count with that


Race: Elder Elf
Age: *redacted*
Gender: Shemale
Orientation: (elf) Female
Place of Origin: Arteria
Height: 5'6 - 170 cm
Weight: *slaps*
Class: Upper Class
Body: Strong, curvy
Faith: Seldarine (Tel'Seldarine)

Queen Elanor arrive from distance lands where she is surrounded by her followers to spread her influence oversea.

Elanor is from elder race, one of small number which still left. It can be said she is forefather to nowadays elves. As ancestor of those, her voice has special influence on Elvish race (RP ability). Hard to say if this is tone of her voice, intonation, sparks in her eyes, but could motivate or scare those which fall for it.

Her face could dominates her two big eyes with color of golden stream, looking on word with high expectation and stabbing those which she hates. Smaller nose poking between more pronounced cheekbones and and right under two full links of her lips decorated with dark red lipstick

Her body have trace of mother shape - wide hips, full curvy ass and big shaped breasts with pink areolas, however over this pretty sensual sight she has big strong muscles, wide shoulders, big thighs and strong ass.

She bares on her back big ancient sword ready to be used on her enemies.

For those who are curious, on the first gaze she looks like ordinary female, this is regarding the fact that her panties are like modify bag of holding and her tool rest in spectral dimension in comfort.

For her naughty parts could say a lot, but...why should I do that? If you will be lucky enough to be her lover I would give you detailed description.

What she likes: Elf

What she could tolerate: Gifts

What she hates: Orc, Goblins, Drows,
halfbreeds, demon,...

// If your character fall into category "what she hates" please understand that she will ignores you or approach with disgust and hate.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf