Tarian the Seer

Gender: Male
Age: 6,875 Years
Height: 7' 7"
Weight: 389 Lbs
Smells Like: Fresh Rain and Wet Fur

Before you stands a massive, hulking being, at least by any normal humanoid's standards. Standing at just over seven and a half feet, he towers over the heads of most beings, strong and muscular in appearance, though those muscles are stretched over a slender, graceful looking frame, that's almost feminine in appearance. His demeanor is usually calm and peaceful, relaxed most would say, and his gaze is quiet and reassuring, as if saying that everything's alright. Covering his slender body is a soft, black fur, almost like that found on a wolf, growing out from between pitch black scales. This fur is unusually well kempt, and looks to be brushed daily. Flowing across the fur are pure white strips of fur and scales, as well as a few deeper reds and purples, almost like nebulea in appearance. One watching him might first have the impression of a hunter, though that would soon be challenged by his gentle, caring, and loving nature. When he speaks, his voice is calm and relaxed, a deep rumble.

Behind his head hangs a thick mane of startlingly white hair, a definately jarring contrast to his pitch fur and scales. His hair, when gazed at from certain angles, seems to give off an almost opalescant crystalline sheen, changing from deep cyans to cloudy pinks, shimmering a bit as you catch it from different angles. It hangs down behind him about to the middle of his back, uneven and frayed in some places despite the fact it's well cleaned and brushed. Intertwined in the hair are hundreds of tiny, white ribbons, which hang further than the end of his hair, down to the base of his tail, just about.

Elegant silvery horns sweep back from just above his ears, ridged in a style akin to to a black dragon's horns, and sharpened. They sweep back and just past the back of his head, and are well cleaned. A second pair of smaller horns follows his jawline, protruding from the back of his lower jaw and back, just a few inches in length. Both sets of horns are meticulously cleaned and polished.

Gently twitching at nearby sounds, a single, wolf-like ear adorns the left side of his head, sticking out from the mess of fur and hair on his head. Those who are particularly observant might note that his ear tilts and sways a bit to hear nearby sounds, and to display his mood. Hanging from his ear is an earring shaped like an ankh, with a tiny blue gem set into it, a bit of white ribbon tied about it. His other ear looks to have been sliced off at some point, leaving only the hole part of the ear behind.

Set into his scaled facial features are a pair of dark brooding eyes, the left a deep blue in color, akin to the sky after the sun has already set, the other completely glazed over with white, and obviously blind. His remaining eye, however, shows the wisdom of centuries of life, rather than the brash confidence of one barely out of his teenage years.

Draconic features are predominant on this half-breed, draconic features heavily accenting his facial features, including shape, somewhere between lupine and draconic, though the general skull structure other than his face and snout is that of a human. His features could definately have once been viewed as very handesome, and even now he's rather appealing to the eye, though along the right side of his face he's missing all the scales and fur in the shape of a slender hand, likely a scar from powerful magic. Whatever magic has done this has also left his right eye, ear, and earfrill permanently damaged, by the looks.

Across his throat is a single, horrid scar, where neither scales nore fur grow, as if he's recently had his throat sliced open, but it's been mended.

Quite the muscular figure, the muscles under his fur and scales is the kind built from long years of exercise, rather than body building, giving him a sleek, muscular look, rather than beefy and bulky. His underbelly is covered in wide, fairly thin scales, which overlap slightly and run down from just under his chin, down the inside of his neck, down his chest and belly, groin, and along the underside of his long tail. Set against his left ribs is a large pawprint, looking to have been made by a tiger almost, fur and scales a bright white in color, rather than the standard pitch black.

Strong muscles flexing whenever he moves or makes hand gestures, his arms are toned to match his chest, muscles ripling as he moves. Also, one might notice that the palms and insides of his hands are covered in soft black pads, akin to those found on a wolf's feet.

Extending behind him are a massive set of breathtaking draconic wings, speckled with tiny points of light. When stretched out, they're almost like staring into the night sky, his white scales shining back with their own light, like the stars of the cosmos. At night, the moon can be seen slowly making it's way across his wings, as if they were the canvas the sky were imitating.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human