
 This rather massive individual appears to be a Lizardfolk thats quite heavily let themselves go. Besides his immense figure, his hide was perhaps the next most notable feature. Scales of a green so dark, they might as well be called a shade of black.

 The beast was simply corpulent. Built enough to carry himself with an uneasy grace, muscles seeming even larger than they were with the padding they posessed. His chest broad and stiff, leading into the swollen ball of a middle. Big and round, almost looking sculpted rather than flabby fat.

With his solid stomach he was teetering on the precipice of morbid obesity, and with some heavy indulgence very well fitting the visual description as his engorged waistline might hang to his knees on such days.

 Overall this creature was just a being of gluttony, working to satiate his various hungers.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown