Rutilianne Taonga

Personal Log Standard Date 86753.09

Following the events of the last tour on board RSS Helvan and the Captain's report
My request for field research duty has been approved, this was hardly surprising

I've heard interesting things about this Radatonga Station and the areas planetside are recommended for the type of research I need to conduct if I want my next tour to be in a Biogenetics facility instead of another Science Officer billet on a Starship, busy but routine...mostly

The local fauna is almost invariably hostile and in some cases quite resistant to imprecise weapons fire
Still, there's something comforting about the feel of a good blaster in your hand and I've learned to carry extra power cells, lots of extras and a large vibrostick

The Indigenous species, for the most part, are as described: indifferent at best and not at all concerned with appearances.
Field equipment doesn't seem to register with them, no matter how advanced the technology, you may as well be wearing animal skins as armorcloth and sidearms don't even merit a glance from a spear carrying guard.

They also seem completely uninterested in allowing me to observe courting rituals and mating habits no matter how I ask or what I offer in exchange, there must be some sort of local taboo in effect.

Perhaps some research will be possible with visitors to this Station, I need at least six different species I haven't observed before to fill out the data files for the project I have planned.

Personal Log entry ends here at this time.

She looks like she looks and does what she does
Field research is time consuming but satisfying, provided it doesn't get out of hand

Intended to observe others 'mating' and take notes/make recordings for study
Will do her own research if necessary if physically compatible with subject(s)
Honorariums paid to subjects if requested

Personal OOC note:
She can deal with almost anything but alien races that are proportionate to their size are more realistic and she steers away from creatures much bigger than she is, with some rare exceptions, like centaurs.
She'll watch anything for research though.

Player:a disturbance in the force
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf