Alice Wolfenspire

Portrait Save
Height: 182cm / 6 ft
Build: Powerful and Athletic.
Ears: Human
Eyes: Bright Green with an inner ring of yellow, irises reptilian in shape.
Skin: Fair taking on a warm tanned tone. Bright brass scales covering her back that draw to her front.

Energetic excitement bursts forth from this hybrid of humanity and dragon kind. Her spastic frolicking or over the top waves of her hands coming right along with a voice that is all too loud, all too passionate about whatever it is she is speaking at that very moment. Each step is filled with a youthful burst of spirit which seems to carry her just that much farther, just that much faster than the rest of mankind. Every jerk of her limbs a key reminder that she is not all together human. As if the other signs could so easily be forgotten.

With each display of power long blonde locks, braided in intricate weaves, jostle and sway at the middle of her back. Her once bright green eyes have becomes monstrous. Leaving behind that which made them human, the irises having turned into narrowed green and yellow, slits. Adjusting to the changes in the light in an ever changing world, they widen and slim noticeably. The blonde’s lips often rest into a wide and toothy grin. The muscles that make up her form have hardened and compounded upon one another. The fibers forming tight intricate patterns under her skin, crossing over and around each other in unnatural yet elegant ways. Every twitch of these fibers is filled with a primal release of energy harkening to the strength of a beast feared across the cosmos. Her skin breathes a warm tanned shine that fuses into patches of brightened brass colored scales. They pour over the sides and back of her neck from just under the chin. Each brief glance of brass seem to tell a story of the monstrous outer layer growing from the back to the front, amassing around the joints and accentuating her powerful figures natural curves. The tell tale sign of draconic heritage absorbs the heat and light of the world around her, so that they will continue glittering on even the cloudiest of days, and effusing a warmth on the coldest of nights.

Behind her a pair of leathery wings expand and contrast, flapping in the wind with all the vigor of her other limbs. The most noticeable sign of her inhumanity from afar, the brass scales aligning the draconic appendages protect what would look to be otherwise frail and easily broken part of this monster of a woman.

Her clothes, often fit to form, are of fine make and adorned with sparkling jewels and wooden toggles. It is a rare sight to see her without earrings, rings, bracelets, or make up shadowing her eyes. Her nails while well cared for have thickened, growing from the very tips of her fingers into sharpened and devastating claws more fit to a wild beast than this youthful Semmite. It’s quite obvious the blonde takes care of these bestial weapons, polishing and at times painting them a crimson red.

To the common man it would be difficult to remember this blonde woman were ever human. The time spent traveling having twisted her naturally lithe figure into something altogether different, stronger, fiercer, more imposing. No longer does this seem the fair maiden whom first wandered into these lands, an easy prey for the highwaymen and creatures of the dark. Still her innocent expression and joyous energy permeates through her monstrous growth, and wear of an adventuring life. That young and excitable grin on her lips as she strides forth happy and eager to see the next day and the what wonders it may present.

Lights! Camera! Action! (PM/Tell Friendly)

I'm super about RP and will OCCly go along with just about anything so long as I have the time. So there aren't any no's! Alice however has her own desires. I'd prefer to disclose those IC. However I'll give a hint and say she's not the type to let things happen to her.
Player:Light Makes Right
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human