Karl Brogan

Within the Garden of Gethsemane, on the Third World between the planes of the damned and the abyss and those of the reigning Celestials, lies a dying sacred tree. This tree, tended to all cycle long, in season and out of season, does not bloom and yet does not wither.

The Wardens of Gethsemane, the Forlorn, are the immortal natural spirits of druids charged with guarding and keeping the tree. They are beings from all planes, rejects from other realities and wanderers and sojourners from other worlds who gather around and hold communion by the tree.

The eternal, dying tree lay for centuries, dormant and withered. Until, one cycle, as fate would have it, by the base of the tree bloomed a flower. A tiny flower, lovely in appearance and yet impossibly fragile. The Wardens saw it and quickly rallied unto it every single ounce of support and nourishment they had, until it grew and blossomed into a lovely little tree.

It was not the only one, for behold! After what seemed like an eternity, Gethsemane began to bloom again. What was once a dry cracked rocky plane with no soil became a beautiful field of flowers, which sprang into a lush, bountiful forest, all before the eyes of Karl Brogan and his fellow Wardens.

With this sight in heart of his land restored to it's forgotten former glory, Karl's duty as a Warden of the forest has now been fulfilled. He travels the planes now, as a lover of peace and nature, to nurture and tend to all living things that need it.

Karl Brogan is a bear of a man with tall thick tree trunks of legs and a barrel of a chest. He walks with a slow, deliberate gait. He carries no weapon, but he has all manner of herbs and spices attached to his belt. His garments are encircled with foliage, and there is the smell of fresh pine about them.

He has a gentle tenderness to his eyes and a friendly glow to him. He has a very approachable look to him, and, for a creature of his size, doesn't seem particularly aggressive. Yet he will defend nature and friend, which he holds very dear to him, with the ferocity and steadfastness of a bear.

He has a warmth to everything he does, from his voice to his eyes, to the look on his face. His touch too gives warmth and feelings of comfort. His disposition is quite sunny, and he seems to be quite jolly and cheerful at any given time.

Lights: Sorry boys/girls, no ERP! You're more than welcome to come in for a cuddle, though (men and women!)! Or just RP. RP in general I hold at a much higher regard than ERP., and I welcome any character, male or female! Just, not with ERP. Sorry, again!

Let's dine together, play board games, do karaoke, hang out as the best of friends, and have fun!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human