
Portrait Save
Well, she LOOKS Drowish....sort of
She didn't have any say in that
Just don't mention it to her face
The half-smile of the perpetually pissed-off sits comfortably on her lips
What's under her clothes is hidden
Unless or until they come off
There's a story there, but it's not public, you have to work for it

The vital statistics:

A little over five feet tall
Dark skin but not drow-black
Light hair but not drow-white
Ice blue eyes that glow red in the dark
Slim but not bony
Wiry but not muscley

Sometimes dresses like she doesn't care
Other times in black leathers almost completely covered with pouches, potions and daggers

How she reacts to people depends on how they treat her

None of the usual 'reds' are worth trying
Most of the usual 'greens' might be
It depends on her mood of the day

She knows first hand about what can happen to her at the hands of surface dwellers or drow
She's taking her chances on the surface.
If she's caught by brigands or whoever, that embarrassment only lasts a little while and she can always hunt them down later.
Dead is forever, slavery to a House is worse.
Many, many times worse.

She isn't 'rapebait' as such but if she can't fight her way out of it she won't give anyone the pleasure of screaming.

Not interested in girls with dicks, characters with creepy 'dark and disturbing' descriptions that would only make any sane person want to hide until they go away, or the usual brainless orcs or sneaky goblins who wear ragged loincloths and grunt a lot but expect every girl to swoon before them or just submit to their impossible strength.

She'll be over there killing monsters until something else comes along.

Well thought out and played 'brigands' or the like are alright, especially if they don't look like it at first glance, but if the bio says they look like something out of a twisted nightmare, then they'll be avoided just like you'd expect them to be

She has a soft spot for the less threatening, more feminine type of men, nice and soft, and warm.

Player:not a lolth to speak of
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf