
Portrait Save
Race: Troll
Sub-type: Swamp troll
Gender: Male
Age: Only his mother knows.
Eye Color: One red eye. The other gone.
Hair Color: Unwashed and messy oily black.
Skin Color: Matted with patches of dirt and grime. Dark green skin.
Height: 6'8"; over 200cm
Weight: Around 649 pounds; 46 Stone.

That tall hulking bog monster was intimidating to most whos will was not steel or unbreaking. Like that of a monster he stood there towering over most people around him. His fat stomach bulging out and covered in various hairs and patches of dirt and grime. Unwashed that huge tower of a troll attracted many insects and bugs attracted to the horrible stench that creature put off. Clearly to anyone that had seen a troll before this was no normal troll. Perhaps he had been home grown or even trained in a specific way.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human