Seth Van Raven

Everything here is not known IC by your character unless you have received the info by IC means.

Name: Seth Van Raven
Race: Fallen Angel / Celestial
Language: Human, Celestial, possibly others.

Seth was an angel who fell from grace. Events surrounding his fall has caused him to remember very little about his past.  He at times was refereed to as a Raven in his looks and therefore his last name was given to him not having any other way to identify himself other than his name of Seth which he remembered.

Seth's emotions may come from parts of his past he does not yet remember, which may frustrate him at times.  His ways could be the result of massive trauma, being mental and physical, he doesn't remember.   Seth may not care about things that most would.  He may be dismissive and even distasteful toward things that others would have empathy for.  Seth can be racist against the Drow and others at times.  He typically only finds human and elven forms attractive.  Seth may have a softer side, but may not show it often to most.

WARNING: Seth can be bitter and hateful in nature. He can be a total asshole at times, even to those close to him.  He may not know why he is acting this way or realize it's wrong. The player is NOT Seth and doesn't hate anybody. Please understand the difference and keep things IC.  If you can't handle this, don't bother with him.

General Rules:
I reserve the right to play when I have time.
I am tell friendly, but lets not mistaken that for RP.
Please no Metagaming or otherwise using OOC to IC.
Please do not take what Seth is as what I the player am.

Intimacy No's:
No Animal forms, Catlings, etc.
No Shemales or Males.
No Minors / Children
Nothing that belongs in a bathroom.
No Intimacy without IC RP.
No IC to OOC please.
No Excessive pain, torture, or dismemberment.
No Tells asking for ERP directly.
Nothing against Server Rules Period!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human