
Portrait Save
Age: Looks to be quite mature

Sex: Female

Race: Farspawn

Alignment: Alien

Height: 7 feet

Weight: 186 lbs

Bust: 32I

Skin: Alabaster

Hair: Tentacles (Green and Black)

Eyes: A constant swirl of green and yellow

~Physical Description~

A bizarre sight if there ever was one, this woman stood out quite painfully as instead of possessing hair like any normal being would, she instead possessed a large collection of tentacle's that were draped down over her person. Each appendage looked to have a mind of it's own; moving about randomly, their long serpentine forms twisting and writing over one another. The underside of each appendage was covered in countless "suckers" each tentacle likely able to get quite a strong grip, even if it wasn't use to outright constrict.

Moving past the most stand out feature of the woman, one would find what appeared to be a demure woman, always seeming to have a pleasant, albeit arrogant look on her features. Choosing to garb herself in elaborate dresses, and dolling herself up with a lot of cosmetics which gave her the look of a proud noblewoman. Her eyes were often accented with a nice layer of eyeshadow, going along well with the color of the tentacles standing in for her hair. When her eyes were open one would find an intense and curious stare coming from her glowing eyes.

Her skin was unnaturally pale in color, almost straddling the line into an unnatural shade of white. The woman's bust wasn't modest, nor did she make any attempt to keep them that way as anything she wore would always proudly show off both of those oversized orbs, her dresses either fitting around them tightly and lifting them up, or just leaving them exposed and showing off the expanse of cleavage between each breast.

Her arms and legs were long and slender,  looking as though she didn't exert herself that much, though one wonders why she would need to with everchanging number of tentacles that made up the creature's "hair." Moving further down one would be met with her wide and expansive hips, her thick thighs keeping her nethers nestled neatly in-between, those plush pink lips instead a bright and vibrant shade of green, further owing to the woman's other worldly nature.

It wasn't too uncommon for the odd eye to show up in odd places, the woman's skin seemingly parting before a bright green eye emerged from the slit. Given her obvious other worldly nature, one might wonder as to her true nature, but given that she was clearly a monster of some type; one could probably determine that this humanoid form likely wasn't indicative of her true nature. There was really no way of telling just what surprises lay within this enigma of a woman.


Seeming to always be polite and respectful, she seemed excited to speak with others and to learn more about them whilst at the same time, one likely would get the impression that she held a sense of condensation in her voice, each word always coming out as a playful tease and she seemed to adore suggestive and lurid speech.

Given her otherworldly nature she did not have a competent grasp of the morals and customs of others; the idea of good and evil apparently alien and unknown to her as she went about living her life by her own warped sense of morality. To those that caught her interest, an almost predatory streak seemed to take over, her teasing would grow more focused as her words sought to tease and tempt.

Ultimately it was probably anyone's guess as to just what she was thinking, much less seeking in regards to life. Though as she always seemed to be on the lookout for interesting and pretty people, a rudimentary grasp of her desires could be understood. Though one should be wary in trying to understand too much, least they find themselves as warped as the betentacled woman herself!


Greens: Detailed and descriptive role-play, Body Horror, Long-Term interaction, Exotic and Supernatural Races, People that can hold a conversation, Breeding, Breast-Play, Drugs/Potions, Dirty-Talking, Elaborate Outfits and Costumes/Cosplay, Lactation, Experimentation Play, Story-Driven Role-Play, Role-Reversal, Using Magic During Intercourse, Whip-Play, Oral Sex and a myriad of other things. Those things probably involving tentacles of some variety. Go figure!

Yellows: Anthropomorphic characters, Corruption (She may or may not be corrupted already), Heavy Bondage Themes, Instant Hook-ups, Slavery, Violence in ERP.

Reds: Asking for ERP through tells (Seriously put in the effort of getting to know the character first, Christ) Death, Necrophilia, Nipple Penetration, Role-Play in the 1st and 2nd person, And in general anything that would make one violently ill,along with males that cannot help but blush when they're around women.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human