
Portrait Save
Race: Demon
Gender: Shemale
Height: 6'11
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Yellow

A tall, imposing demoness standing at nearly 7ft tall with a dusky grey skin complexion. Her eyes are yellow, a look of pure malice upon any she passes by and looks upon. She seldom ever wears much in regards to proper clothing, aside from a few bits of enchanted armor, she only has a meager cloth covering her breasts and nothing more. An equine shaped penis sits dangling between her legs on full display without an ounce of shame to her.

Every now and again, one could see a set of four tentacles extending out from her back as she wanders around, seeming on the prowl and hunting for... something.

She looks upon all those who pass by her with curiosity and malice, trying to figure out who would make for useful servants or entertaining playthings.

((Description is still WIP))

((Very tell friendly so don't hesitate to throw one my way! The idea of someone attempting to summon Azaerrahne is an option I find appealing, if you're looking for ideas on how to get yourself involved with her!))
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human