Fantellynne Hildefard

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Things to do today

*sigh* Husband
Get up and clean self
Strip bed for washday
Make breakfast
Put wash water on to boil
Feed chickens
Clean coop
Check barn for rats
Milk cow
Cow out to pasture
Hoe garden
Do laundry
Hang laundry
Pick greens for lunch
Scrub floors
Make lunch
Husband...again, probably
Wash dishes
Bring in laundry and put away
Berry picking, should be ripe now
Don't forget towel to winnow berries in
Finish cleaning house
Bring cow in from pasture
Milk cow
Feed chickens
Make supper
Do dishes
Mend clothes
Do husband...again !!
Day end

Worn dress and shoes with a stained apron sometimes wearing a bonnet other times with a faded pink straw hat
Looks to be mid twenties going on forty
Pretty enough for now, but the lines are starting when she frowns

Light brown hair bleached in the sun
'Farmer's tan' on her face neck and arms
Blue eyes that still sparkle a little
Generally looks tired most of the time

She can often be found in the forest picking berries, mushrooms or herbs
or at the edge of the trees away from the village, tending a small garden patch

She isn't 'rapebait', not as such
but if she can't talk herself out of it...
she probably won't like it much though
just not too rough please

Orcs and other brutish things are alright
But a forest ranger 'punishing' her for out of season berry picking or accidentally trampling a rare flower would be a nice change, or a forest spirit doing the same or a brigand or robber, or even a small band of robbers finding out she didn't have any money with her, or just an unscrupulous halfling or elf or goblin or other traveller wandering by and taking a moment to 'refresh' themselves---
at swordpoint if necessary

Other times she gets oh so bored and a fast talker just might make her smile
and long for things that could have been and maybe see if they'd have been better
She'd be glad to stop and talk to a Bard or Noble or wandering Wizard taking the forest route

She's generally here to be taken, but something other than the usual wild orc or talking wolf would be nice, a wolfman is entirely different, especially if he only has two legs, or even a 'girl with something extra' lulling her into a false sense of security

'green things'

creative RP
coercion or persuasion
unstated threats
no way out of it
punishment for 'crimes'
facials, finish on chest, back or belly
finishing inside even if she says no
listening to what she says as an RP tool
not being too rough with her

'yellow things'

bands of orcs (one is plenty)
talking animals
oversized things

'red things'

the toilet is behind that bush over there
unreasonably huge things
tearing her clothes
being hurt or bruised (on the outside)
following her home

Player:The farmer's wife
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf