Marcello Drake

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Pensive philosophers debate morality and virtue with words from ivory towers. Marcellus, however, learned his code of conduct living on the streets. Successful pilfering from the rich with deft hands and tongue, the man's confidence soon turned into arrogance. Wrapped in the invincible cloak of youth he paid the price on several occasions. A few scars across his face are daily reminders of such. Now, tempered by time and experience, his approach to life is a bit more laid back.

Sandy brown hair is cropped short to stay out of the way. Even after a clean shave in the morning, a thick five o'clock shadow settles in by noon. Marred by a few heavy scars his countenance is rugged at best. Contrasting the harshness is a quick, easy smile. Friends know his heart to be good in nature, but easily fickle due to morals learned in the slums.

His body is a light frame with corded and sinewy muscles throughout. Of average height he is easily lost within a crowd; just the way he prefers it to be! Garments are chosen for practicality and utility, and their quality speaks of a pretty penny spent for such.


Tell friendly if you want to set up RP! Looks like a smaller server, so don't be afraid to say hi. Open to pretty much anything, so long as the flow of play leads there.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human