Nanika Ashenfeather

Sex: Female
Race: Harpy
Age: Adult, Young

Angular face with larger eyes gives a bird like appearance.

Large feathered wings in place of arms. A hallow-thin bone like structure along the wings seem to act as arms, with a small claw hand like appendage at the end, allowing her to grip and hold things.

Feathers cover a majority of her body, seeming to be in great upkeep.

Her legs end in feet with long talons, which she does often prefer to point with than her wings.

Attitude -
She can seem skittish and cautious against threats, but opens up to those she deems friendly.
Happy and cheerful most of the time, those who get close notice a rather cheeky playful nature to her.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf