Radok Fleshmender

-Hexblood druid-

The arrival of the beast was heralded by the sound of its heavy hooves slamming against the ground. Planks groaned and branches snapped under the immense weight of the monstrous creature as it drew closer. And as it did, the smell soon followed. The musky smell of animals, acrid smoke and the damp, earthy aroma of plantlife all mixed into one overpowering aroma.

Before you stands a tall figure of peculiar ancestry as only most of it looked orcish. Dark green skin covered most of the beasts upper body and head, it had a flat face with a protruding lower jaw and large jutting tusks. That however is where the similiarities ended. A mantle of moss and vines grew on or from the creatures shoulders resembling a short cape. Everything from the waist down was covered by dark, coarse fur and the abominations legs ended in large, cloven hooves. A large pair of curved horns grew from the beasts forehead and below them, glowed baleful green eyes.

As fearsome as Radok might have looked to some at a first glance, he was not the slavering monstrosity one might've expected him to be. His voice was deep and guttural but he rarely raised it in anger. His muscular body bore the scars of past battles but he carried no visible weapons. This did not however mean that he was a good, peace-loving person. Radok was simply unpredictable, much like the wilderness where he spent most of his time.

-Making deals
-His own voice, even if he rarely has anything valuable to say.
-Druidic rituals and conversing with spirits, both living and dead.

// WIP, Tell friendly //
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc