
Portrait Save
Name: Razka
Nickname: Whimpers
Species: Feathered Kobold
Surname: ?
Sex: Female

Razka's egg had been purchased and hatched as part of a clutch sold to them by a tribe of kobolds in the Dread Isles, laid by a small handful of kobolds the rest of the tribe had brought back as slaves during a raid on a rival tribe.

Razka hatched from her egg a slave, and spent much of her adulthood going between fleshcrafters and alchemists in between long spans of time working in the mines, extracting precious minerals for an owner she never got to see and forming an unhealthy attachment to the slavedrivers (Who gave her the nickname "Whimpers" due to the noises she'd make when whipped, spanked,  or begging for her jailors attention).

After being snatched up by an abolitionist and briefly freed, Razka has discovered herself unable to find fulfillment as an equal to others. Sex, relationships, and work just didn't feel the same without the imbalanced power dynamic, and she quickly returned herself to the mines and submitted to the lash once again. This time, however, she is expected to perform errands in town for the mines on her own (which she happily does, unwittingly advertising herself to possible buyers in the process)

[OOC: Lights]
In Practice: If it's not in red, try it. If I don't like it or don't feel like it, I will usually first attempt to guide the scene away from the offending stuff, then send a tell if that fails to either remove the problem stuff or end the scene, retconning with your input as warranted and necessary. Things I find so unappealing that I desire to avoid them at all costs will be added to reds over time.

Red: Scat/Toilet play, Vore involving the soul (not including use of the collar or similar soul-preserving but control-granting methods) stomach or digestive fluids (Soft or Hard), Necrophelia (Not counting vampires), Lethal actions in sex or post-sex. Any kind of  "Spiritual annihilation" as part of a sexual act. Halfling/Gnome females with small or nonexistant boobs, anything that is or is bordering directly on ageplay.

Yellow: Being owned by a single player long term, intense verbal abuse, hypnosis/mind control/brainwashing, and most sexual acts.

Green: Slave play, whipping, spanking, bondage, discipline, restraints, training, hard labor with elements of the above, casual groping or casual use for sex, rough or forceful sex, cunnilingus (giving), being scolded, being bred, having her will broken, surprise sex, leather, latex, shock collars, chain leashes or tethers, shackles, fingering, and a lot more along those lines.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling