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"What do you mean, there's a height requirement to be a city guard?"

Name: Jeera
Race: Kobold
Sex: Male
Height: 3'2"
Weight: Very bottom-heavy
Age: Adult for a kobold

    Kobolds are not an uncommon sight these days. Even within the cities, it's not unusual to see a few of the little things running around. While Jeera is no exception to this, there are a few things about the little guy that might stick out to the casual observer.

    For one, the little 'bold could often be seen carrying about a much too large halberd or pole-hammer with him, often using it a bit like a walking staff. While most might associate kobolds with short knives or even simple clubs, seems this one favors weapons with a bit more punch behind them. Along with his out-sized choice of weapons, the little 'bold often opts for just a bit of armor, usually in the form of a single set of pauldron and gauntlet running down his left arm, the metal plates worn and aged, but otherwise in good repair. Seems he tries to keep his gear in as good a condition as possible given their second-hand status.

    Otherwise, he's not that unusual for a kobold. If it wasn't for the end of his polearm often held up to eye-level for most other people, he'd be easy to overlook for the most part with his diminutive height. The curve of his blueish horns barely reaching past the three foot mark. His upper body was slim, but well muscled for his size, flat chest exposed and showing off the light speckling across the small, pebbly blue scales that cover his hide.

    Like most all of the little guy, his eyes were likewise blue, though in their case, they had a faint hint of green about them, a color reminiscent of the ocean. Far from the beady little orbs one might expect, his eyes were large and expressive, framing his short, rounded snout. The little guy's face completed by a small collection of horns. Nothing as complex or as grand as some of his kin, just two pairs of curved prongs atop his head, with two more flanking his head where other races might expect to find ears.

    The lower half of the little 'bold's body would be what would grab one's attention most, if they looked that far down. While his upper body was trim and toned, his lower half was anything but. The faint definition of muscles completely disappears once the little guy's waist swells out into his hips, giving way to what could only be an expanse of soft chub. His hips were well wider than his shoulders with all that padding, the softness continuing down to his thighs, giving them an almost pillowy appearance. From behind, one's expectations need not change. The little guy's simple garb of a paired loincloth left little to the imagination, barely able to drape around the thick root of his pudgy tail, hardly managing to hide the two plump globes of his rump as they jiggles and rolled with every step of his little clawed feet.

    Should one watch the curious little pear-shaped kobold for any length of time, it would not be hard to peek further under that drape of simple cloth. Seems he wore scant little else about his person. Indeed, the occasional glimpse of a tiny sack and little member would confirm that this was indeed a male kobold. While he wouldn't win any prized for his twig and berries, his prodigious thighs and rear seem to be the little guy's main attractions.

    Whenever one happened to converse with the little 'bold, they'd find him surprisingly articulate. No horribly broken common, and only occasionally slipping into his native tongue when confused or flustered. His voice was soft and small, rather like the 'bold himself. If would be easy to mistake his voice for a small girl should one not see the 'bold speaking...


He's a friendly, and only occasionally shy little kobold. Sometimes a bit too friendly. In truth, he was a bit of a slut. While he wouldn't admit it himself, when the little guy meets a girl with a fat bulge in her pants, he can't help but want to nuzzle at it. Of course, he'll do far more than just nuzzle if he's allowed to continue. Even if that bulge is far too large for his safety. The little slut'bold completely willing to force himself onto even the largest of girl-cocks, even if it means breaking a few things to do so. Don't be surprised if the little guy puts himself in the hospital just to drain a girl's nuts for her.

Futas, Herms, and Shemales
Extremely Huge Girlcocks
Rough Anal
Tail and Horn Tugging

Curvy, plump girls
Big, buff girls
Dangerously extreme cum-inflation
Internal Watersorts
Being a Hung Girl's Girlfriend
Girls willing to grow a huge cock

Ok With:
General Watersports
Getting Smacked Around During Sex
Girls without huge cocks

No Nos:
Insects, Goos, Slimes, Living Latex
Expecting him to stretch like rubber and being upset when he doesn't.
Thinking it's impossible to use a cock over 18 inches long

[WeaponMaster Build]
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling