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Knot knot, motherlover.
Big bad She-wolf.

A tall, bulky, wolf touched human. Black fur cover her white flesh upon her forearms and shins. Proeminent fangs spills from her lips as her red eyes shines with that primal instinct, like a natural predator.

She's a rough mix of a human and a wolf, as she mostly looks like a human with a few animal, wolf features. She does look at best on a tribal smartness, her voice sounding quite rough and coarse, telling that she's more used to howling than talking.

Some natural, passive abilities, if you want to play with those.

Bitch smelling (S) : She-Wolfes have strong smelling capabilities, quite accurate to tell who's a bitch in heat or not.

Hypnotic gaze (S) : Her crimson eyes glow with a heat inducing power, slowly but surely making adequate victims in having burning wet loins and be a bitch.
I usually lockinplace all the time, tell me if you throw an emote at me!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human