
Portrait Save
*** Bio is under costruction, sorry if it seems incomplete. Feel free to text me for info or suggestions***

Jason Nightfury
Aliases: Nothing yet
Age:  28
Classes:  Wizard
Usage: RP, PVE, Conversation

Physical age:Around 25 and 28 years old
Sex: Male
Height:6'2 (187 centimetres)
Weight:198 lbs
Build:quite athletic and with the right muscle tone, fairly normal.
Skin:quite tan
Complexion: fairly white man

Shape: short at the sides, with a longer tuft that help to outline better his face
Color: Dark Brown

Color:green eyes with little darker shades mixed with brown

SCENT: going near him you can smell fragrances that remember you something like bergamot, wood, fresh spicy, musk, something that inebriate senses.

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Tatoo covering his left arm representing ancient writings in black and dark red colour
JEWELRY:Black obsidian ring, golden necklace with ancient writings
Personal effects: \\

Political affiliation: To be discovered in RP
Culture: To be discovered in RP
Occupation: Unknown Hobbies:Traveling
Love interest(s):
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Dominant hand: Right
Living arrangements:\\
Speech patterns:He speaks common language pretty well, but sometimes his accent tend to resemble to something ancient and infernal.
Native Tongue: Infernal ; Secondary: Common ;Additional Languages: Latin

Personality: Given his expression, he might initially be mistaken for a too serious type but going deep he knows how to be a nice person to have around.
Often he seems to talk too little but it's probably a way to know better his interlocutors.
Probably his true nature can be discovered with time. For what can you understand with first acquaintances Jason is like a mysterious man with unknown past, someone you want to find outmore about.
FAMILY:Infernal origin
HISTORY: Jason derives from a unknown family of infernal origins. He decided to disguise as a normal human being and far from his plane he's trying to understand better the humans.
Only staying with him enough time, someone can probably understand his true personality, his desires, strenghts and weaknesses.

> Green: RP

Reds: Server Rules,Toilet stuff,Gore,Vore,Scat, Permadeath plays, mutilation,deep violence, Males
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human