Mika Valestone

Information Written on ear Tag
Name: Mika
Herd: Valestone
Breed: Ayrshire
No: 56
Purpose: Sex, Breeding, Milking, Combat [Marked with a red skull]
Age: 19



Mika is a tall sub breed of minotaur, technically considered a hybrid species. Tall, curvy, but with a willowy, albeit powerful physique, coupled with her tan skin, it is fairly clear that she is used to life outdoors. Mika seems fairly dull witted, seeming to struggle with paying attention to things or with particularly complicated scenarios. Generally amiable, Mika is a cheerful sort, and there seems to be little that gets under her skin. Much of what she wears is cowprint, though if she actually likes the somewhat demeaning garments or not, none can say. Beyond that, she wears simple, cut off shorts, and thick leather spats, likely to protect from thorny brush. Usually hanging from one of her thigh belts, are a number of seemingly recently used condoms, lending a fairly obvious air of what most tend to use the Ayrshire for. Notable on her tag however, is the shimmering red skull stamp, which seems to draw discomfort in anyone that looks at it for too long.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human