Xexia Mazerya

Portrait Save
( Last Update: June 22th 2023 )

Work in progress - Last updated (12/04/23)

        Xexia 'Maze' Mazerya
       The mistress of pastries


First name: Xexia
Last name: Mazerya
Nickname: "Maze" or "Xexy"
Age: Unknown (Looks around mid twenties)
Gender: Female? Maybe.
Main Ability: Shifter (Refere yourself to "Gender".)
Height: 5 feet tall or ish
Hair: Immaculate snow white
Eyes: Amber
Skin: Cyan blue !
Race: Unknown (Looks a lot like some sort of fiend or so.)

Family: Mexia (Twin sister) M.I.A.


Xexia is a young-looking woman despite the fact that she seems very mature. Of an unknown breed so far, it approaches a rather important musculature, without however going into excess.

Her long, immaculate white hair runs against her shoulders, letting her face shine. Speaking of this face, she also has two amber eyes, observing around her with immense curiosity.

In addition, her lips curl deliciously into corners, making her small, prominent canines appear.

To finally return to her body, you can easily notice that she is well equipped in terms of proportions. A slender and athletic body, provided with two large breasts terribly soft and firm at the same time. To fill this already largely occupied body, a long tail slips in her back, bending at the slowly into the air.

**As for lights, you can let your wildest desires try and wander, i'll most likely be keen to partake! or hell, JUST TAKE HER AWAY.**

//tell friendly ! I don't bite.. Or maybe but don't mind.

Please also.. Don't mind my english, it can be bad sometimes!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human