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Leighton-Yerbury Automated Rythmic Assistant
a.k.a. L.Y.A.R.A.
is a droid girl created by Leighton-Yerbury Association.


Age:Early Twenties
Race: Human Synthedized Droid
Usage:RP, PVE, Shard Run

Physical age: RP for more info
Sex: Female
Weight:130 lbs
Build:Slender body, well rounded giving the proper feminine features.
Skin:Nearly white, one can see dark blue filaments flowing under some parts of thinner skin. One that touches the skin can feel sensations like a normal human being, the skin is smooth and hairless though.
Walking:She seems to walk in an ordinate way, like following a precise path, without fast changes of direction.

Shape: Mid-long bushy hair with a side ponytail and a pink and white striped clip holding the fringe
Color: Teal

Shape: Roundish-almond eyes
Color: Grey shades, but the iris seems to change colour dependings on some circumstances.

SCENT: Only going near her one can smell sour and sparkling lemon, plunging into water jasmine. A smell that remembers something light and watery

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: On her face One can see blue filaments that run starting from the center of the ear and branching out towards the cheeks and eyes, almost resemble electrical circuits.

JEWELRY: Star Sapphire shaped earrings

The owner installed the average common behavior of human beings, L.y.a.r.a. acts as an early twenty girl that hasn't see much about the world. She is curious to learn more about human beings and
all other creatures that walk along Sinfar. Her emotions can be initially schematized and rough but She's programmed to absorb and learn from who is near her, so probably meeting more people
will definetly shape his being.
She is a native IA that with the recent project from Leighton-Yerbury has been brought to a droid, then to a synthetized female human body, so her behaviour is still pretty linked to being a machine.

Alignment:  Chaotic Good
Culture: She's informed about
Occupation:  Rythmic Assistant, Bard, Entertainer
Hobbies: Sing, Song, Travel, Study and learn new things
Love interest(s):  The owner has not specified
Sexual orientation: The owner has not specified
Dominant hand:  Right
Living arrangements: the owner has not specified
Speech patterns: Sometimes while speaking, One can hear little metallic resonance in her voice, probably "a bug" of the software.
Languages:  Common Language, Electronic devices language.


FAMILY: Leighton-Yerbury is the developer of the IA and the founder of the L.Y.A.R.A. Project.
HISTORY: Leighton-Yerbury is a scientific association situated far from Radatonga. For several years they studied around an interattive IA droid,
that has been perfected through the years, reaching a stable software that was finally implemented in a Droid.
L.y.a.r.a is the result of a merge of a IA in a synthetized human body.
Almost 90% of her body is by now like a normal human being, but She still have electric conduits and electronic systems and sensor that guarantee all its activities.
Eyes are a well rounded sight sensors that consist of a biological part and an electric one, that can change colour depending on Lyara's emotions or tasks.
The project is still not finished and the creator decided to send L.Y.A.R.A in adventure towards the Sinfar Isle...
... The owner doesn't know that his creation is more human-like that he thinks, Lyara in effect will start feeling emotions and desires, it will be curious to know how
the life on Sinfar Isles will change her.



Yellows: Mood dependant, RP dependant.

Anything against Server Rules
Toilet stuff
Permadeath plays
Permainjury plays
Deep violence

***I'm new to Sinfar, be patient with me :) Feel free to write me ooc for comments and advices***

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human