Andromedan Nectar Reed

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                         ::::: Disclaimer :::::
Wild Nectar Reed (coloquially known as 'cock plants') are extremely hazardous. Do not approach at any cost. Barapoint Biotech cultivated Nectar Reed are domestically cultivated within the safety guidelines of the Interstellar Commerce Pact agreement. Barapoint Biotech is not responsible for further private cultivation and holds no liability after point of sale.

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Fresh from the hydroponic gardens of Barapoint Biotech comes the newest craze in household names. The Andromedan Nectar Reed! Whether you have prior reputation as a cultivator of exotic plants or your thumb is as green as coal the Andromedan Nectar Reed is the newest must-have and is easy to care for! They make a striking centerpiece and conversation starter, they provide guest entertainment, and they are a gourmet delicacy that once proved too hazardous for cultivation! You don't want to be the only person on your hab-block without one. Show off yours and the endless variety it may grow to!

                        ~~~ Appearance ~~~

The Andromedan Nectar Reed is a semi-aquatic variety of lily native to ILB-7 whose system hosts a red dwarf star. It requires very little radiation and grows in bogs and alongside bodies of still water. Its long tendrils root floating pads to the soil, though in conditions of low or no water the tendrils root it firmly in place. Perfect for potting or affixing to home features. Andromedan Nectar Reeds have a mutagenic life cycle beginning with a single small fleshy reed stalk and growing up to three by full maturity measuring three to four feet at the largest recorded sizes. Around the stalks are various soft nectar pods which inflate with production and deflate when released. The number of nectar pods is relative to the age of the plant.

The specific appearances of the Nectar Reed can vary wildly. Through Barapoint Biotech we make it easy to cultivate your very own unique plant and can gene-tailor specific traits such as stalk quantity, color, size, and shape. These are limited to variants that are naturally occuring, though stalks range from flesh toned to pastel, to vibrant neon and darker earthen hues. Shape and structure is as varied as the imagination. Your Nectar Reed will come in one of three default templates, though its growth will adapt to the owner. Many reeds will develop textured bumps or ridges. This is perfectly natural. Your plant is not sick. It means you are taking care of it very well!

                        ~~~ Home Care ~~~

In the wild the Andromedan Nectar Reed is a predatory lifeform. At Barapoint Biotech we have tailored and domesticated our product for household use. Without natural prey you will need to milk the reed stalks at least three times per day. More mutagenic strains require extra care. As your plant grows its nectar pods will fill and must be released regularly through milking or it will form a toxic buildup inhibiting growth. In nature the Nectar Reed adapts and conforms not just to its environment but to its most common local prey as well. You may notice your plant adapt physical characteristics in response to the conditions it is raised in and care recieved, and a skilled cultivator may show off truly unique variations with practice!

The nectar from the Andromedan Nectar Reed is both sweet and savory and may be used in cooking, drinks, or consumed raw. Capable of providing all dietary requirements except for fiber it is also a superfood and can be a staple food source. Nectar has also been shown to revitalize skin and renew muscle tissue, and its natural pheremone is an absolute requirement to pair with your favorite perfume!

                           ::::: Order Form :::::

Price: 10.000.000 credits

Name: _____________
Delivery Address: ___________
Quantity (limit 3): _____

Mark desired properties for growth tailoring. Tap for more info.

Reed Count:
1 _ 2 _ 3 _ Natural _

Desired color (number and shading):__________, or Natural _

Mutagenic Variance:
1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ Natural _

1 _  2 _ 3 _  4 _  Natural _

Blunt _ Tapered _ Standard _ Natural _
(Exotic cultivation available at consumer biolab facilities equipped for raising alien flora)

:::::<<< Illegal Splicing Detected. Severing Communication. >>>:::::

"See you're lookin' at them dickplants. Well the Friendlymen have just gotten our hands on a whole lot of 'em. 10 mil for a plant, rich fucks. We'll pass it on for a single M. All pre-owned so you get what you get. No cust------"

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Thank you for your interest in the newest line of houseplant from Barapoint Biotech! Not just a plant, but a family member. Here are some things to expect when you're expecting:

Depending on how you have chosen to raise your plant you may experience unexpected or unanticipated growth patterns. These might include: Coloration changes, nectar variation, nectar pod variation, floral growth, restless tendril syndrome, aromatic symptoms, and in some cases dietary addiction or pregnancy. Your plants growth, maturity, and behavioral conditions will depend upon the environment and conditions it is raised in and the care and attentiveness it receives.

Caution:  Plants ordered on a mutagenic scale of 5 may be prone to very random and very sudden changes in appearance and property. These are intended for experienced botanists. Gene-tailored inhibitors may potentially be overridden through intentional cultivation and raising at this point. Barapoint Biotech is not responsible and holds no liability after point of sale.

Thank you for your purchase!
Credit for inspiration where it is due~ KelSFM is the animator. Music is so bad though.
Player:Barapoint Biotech
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human