Syndicate Agent

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A member of the mysterious underground of the Sinifer Slums

Lean of frame and none too tall, the man before you could easily get lost in a crowd as there was nothing overly remarkable about him. Though there was faint hint of muscle tone to his lean arms suggesting at least some inclination towards manual labor, his exceedingly pale skin gave the distinct impression whatever this work was, it was kept far out of the sun's reach.

Slicked back, slightly greasy black hair, an often disagreeable, unpleasant disposition and a crude manner common in bitter, jaded lowlives lended the individual a distinctly unapproachable air, and he seemed none too inclined to change that. The cutting instruments tucked into his belt hardly eased the minds of any who found themselves dealing with him, nor did the cold, murky greyish-green depths of his eyes.

Perhaps this one was best avoided by decent folk.


Slums Plot Character. Lights are: Anything and everything that can happen in the course of ongoing plot. Expect themes of crime and conflict.
Player:Rabble Rouser
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human