
// Work is in progress and might be subject to some changes and additions yet!//

Name: "Max"
Last Name: -
Age: Seemingly mid-to-late 20's
Race: Humanoid
Gender: "More or less" Female
Height: 5'7
Disposition: Usually Dominant

A wild red hair that could just barely be tamed to a ponytail with a length of string. Coppery feline eyes glowing in the dark. Sharp nails and fangs, growing longer and harder. Numerous upon numerous fading scars all over the body. These were few visible traits that set Max apart from your run-of-the-mill, civilized urban human. Add to that her well-defined muscles, resting scowl and constantly flaring nostrils and she would give off a blatantly predatory impression to just about anyone looking at her.

Max is a woman with scalding red-hot hair and a temper to match. Her body and face carry numerous scars as proofs of a violent life and hardship. A keen eye could tell apart scars from blades, claws, fangs and whips alike, criss-crossing her legs, arms, back and torso. Max's face in turn bore a long whip-kissed scar over her right eye, a pair of claw-marks on her left temple and a scar from a blade travelling from her left cheek to left ear. It was a borderline miracle or a sign of very thick skin that she wasn't deformed by these medals of honor from the school of hard knocks, but it was certainly impossibly to mistake her for someone else with so many recognizable marks.

If one wasn't bothered by scars they would see a wild but beautiful woman with exemplary physique. Tight, wiery muscles on strong arms, hands hardened by hard work, thick strong thighs leading up to shapely hips, toned abdomen and lovely, firm and perky handfuls of bosom - and whomever were the ones who scarred her face should no doubt be sued! That face of hers was pretty and tanned, marred more by her nigh-constant scowl rather than her scars - a scowl that showed in her eyes even when smiling, making her look outright wicked or mischievous at times. The only hair Max had apart from eyebrows was the wild thicket of thick strong locks that grew upon her head. Even while usually tied back it basically exploded to every direction right after the tightly tied string of a ponytail. Her corner teeth and nails nails were noticably pointy and sharp, oft growing out longer like the claws of a cat when irritated.

Truly, Max didn't seem like a woman of high intellect or education - barely even civilized. She carried herself more like a feral savage or a brute, straight-forward and direct with words, crude and flowerless in manners. Calling her things like a brute, a savage, a thug or an animal wouldn't be too far off the mark, and she didn't seem to mind - on the contrary she seemed to be quite proud of how she was, even carrying her numerous scars like medals of honor.

All things considered, she definitely didn't seem like a friendly woman. Then again, looks can be deceiving...

--<[OOC Section:]>--

I'm not too interested in PvP, I don't build for PvP nor care to know how to do that stuff. If that's what you're looking for, I'm likely not your girl. Roleplaying is what I'm here for, so let's try to stick to that.


RED Lights: PvP for no reason, anything
permanent without my consent, children, OOC a-holes, Were-Penguins, Sabertoothlambs and Rubberducks.

YELLOW Lights: Romance & Relationship (This takes commitment and RP for me to bother), Vanilla, Submitting (I'm not good at that, I haven't got much experience with it. Depends on my mood, RP and planning to try.)

GREEN Lights: If it's not above, it's likely a green then. Rape, humiliation,
rough, wild, violent, passionate, anal, vaginal, oral, biting, scratching, pain, bondage, abduction, magic, D/S, S/M, discipline, punishments, training, religious taboos and more. The list goes on and on, and includes a lot of kinky, cruel and evil things. Ask if you wish to specify something.


I am not my character, even if she can be a bitch, I do my best not to be. I'm tell-friendly and according to wild rumors, friendly. I don't bite, so feel free to approach me or send a tell. Just don't get mad at me for what my character does. :)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling