Velyndaere Velouress


"Yesterday was so long ago, and tomorrow may never come. Here and now. I want to feel this moment."

The scent of vanilla and wisteria prelude this elf's approach. Her stride is long and graceful, with slender, lithe limbs moving with deliberate purpose. As if in an ever constant state of dance, her hips move to unheard music and delicate fingers constantly move, as if strumming an unseen instrument.

Despite her heels, her movement made no noise, and despite her heels, she was small in stature.

Soft, plum colored lips purse together, moistened by the flick of a dark purple tongue. Her small chest expands as she draws breath, and those bright blue eyes sparkle as she prepares to spin air into magic.

A pause, a rest, a moment of silence as she'd cant her head to the side. Pulling aside silver-moonlit tresses would reveal velvet that hugged her neck, and upon it rested a brooch made of silver, set upon it a pearlescent crescent moon.

Glancing up through long, thick lashes, she'd smile coyly and arch a silver brow.

"Care to dance with me?"
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf