Amal'tran Ashee Gharr

Name: Amal'tran = Blessed Spider
Age: Appears young but independent
Eyes: Deep crimson
Hair: Whiteish silver

Young by drow standards, yet very well mannered and refined. He holds the heir of a noble son, commonly he is seen whispering, though if it is to himself remains the question. Often very well dressed he stands out among the lower rabble of drow society.

Reds: Anything against the rules. If you don't know then I kindly advise you to look at them. Also anything belonging in a bathroom. Vore.

Yellows: I'm pretty much up for anything but if something does put me off I'll let you know in a tell.

Green: Open to most things that are not Yellow or Red, though I will let you know if something is bothering me.

Reasonably tell friendly.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf