Riley Aurelia

Portrait Save
Race: Human(?)
Height: 5'2"
Gender: Female
Sex: Either/or, depending on magic/mood
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Skin: Pale, decorated with reddish scales
Orientation: Bi, female leaning.

One of the first things noticed of Riley, from the top down, is a pair of curved, ashen horns growing out of her head. Cracked and chipped in some places, revealing a heated interior, pieces falling as ash down and vanishing into the wind. A shimmering set of red eyes peer out from behind well-kept glasses framing her face. She regards most with a faint smile, and a kind look. Taking a closer look at her body reveals transluscent scales, reddish in nature, that flush deeper tones with more intense emotions.

She radiates with a faint heat that noticeably increases the temperature around her, giving off scents of cinnamon and citrus to those capable of detecting such from a distance. Faintly, occasionally, blue bolts crackle subtly along the edges of her horns, disappearing into chipped places on them. A tempest of many things contained within the short, petite human.

She carries a number of accoutrements a spellcaster would require, small charms and baubles used to direct certain types of energies, small pouches containing snacks for the road, papers, two bottles of differing wines, and a small fan all within quick reach, among other things.
OOC: Tell-friendly! New, and adventuring. The bio is a constant WIP, any questions feel free to ask!

Switch, bottom preference.

Kinks and such can all be found out by interacting! Theres a lot, and I cant remember all of what I'm into half the time. Some favs are things like cuddling, petting, cum, exhibitionism/naturalism, general cute/relaxing things, informality/casual touching.

She's a transmutation specialist, change is in her blood, she's been known to grow dicks to sate partners!

General reds are pretty easy:
Server rules, no creepy ageplay stuff, no bathroom stuff, no pain or gore
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human