Bennett Meliadie

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Bennett Meliadie

At a glance:
Race: Mixed blood, leaning elven

Build: That of a runner or dancer. Well defined muscles with little wasted mass.

General Appearance: Dusk grey skin. Lustrous black hair. A friendly smile topped by intense, steel blue eyes. Tiny lights seem to flicker randomly from deep within them.

Bennet's demeanor is open yet poised. He moves with the smooth liquidity of a person who has absolute control of every muscle in his body.

Brief History:

Bennet is the son of Alana Meliadie and Bonnie the Bondroid. He is an amalgamation of elven flesh, bio-organic machinery with a few other things thrown into the mix. His mothers raised him in a quiet village off plane, but he has returned to Sinfar to explore the strange world of the stories he heard growing up.

Brief lights:
Bennet enjoys female company and the female form. He's still exploring his own sexuality, so no one is completely off limits. He's much more likely to take a dominant role during sexual encounters, but that doesn't mean every encounter has to revolve around themes of dominance and submission.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf