Jed Lares

Portrait Save
He looks like a serial killer, acts like a serial killer, talks like a serial killer and likes stabbing folk. Who this?

(@)->->->--     Description      (@)->->->--

The ominous, athletic figure before you walks with a phantasmal grace. Though you can tell it is possibly male by the body shape, this man appears almost unnaturally menacing; the posture, the gait, and the lack of noticeable footfalls give off a sense of dread that one wouldn't experience unprovoked.

The figure is set in a leathery, dark ensemble, consisting of a series of practicalities plus evocative articles of clothing mimicking the appearance of the supernatural in the minds of others. The chiefest of these is perhaps the cowl, complete with a macabre mask in the design of a skull. While it hides most of the figure's face, its unsettling eyes pierce through the shroud of darkness like two orbs of despisal and unknowable goals.

His unnatural calmness is perhaps the only clue of what kind of warped thoughts run amok within the mind of this nightmarish figure. It is not singular but seems to crack in strange circumstances. Raising his voice, or twitching at his fingertips. Canny observers can almost taste the anticipation wafting off of him.

(@)->->->--       OOC       (@)->->->--

List of lingering magical effects (can be freely detected, identified and attempts at dispelling can be made; re-applying those costs the character time and resources):

-Keep Watch with Permanency (CL 40)
-Fireproofing enchantment on his attire with Permanency (CL 40; this does not protect the character from fire damage in any sort of mechanical way. It's simply a fluff thing that he needs for certain reasons. He'll still find it very much annoying if it gets dispelled.)
-Lenses of Darkness with Contingency and Permanency (CL 40)

Character is both itching for murder as well as easily provoked, rubbing him the wrong way might result in stabbings.

I'm tell friendly.

I'm mostly about spontaneous, organic RP. I'm however not adverse to OOC setups or bringing my character to more hermetic environments, as long as their settings don't choke player agency. I might not always accept, but I won't stab.

As far as non-sexual RP is concerned, I am open to anything (Jed on the other hand, obviously, might not be) and everything will be dealt with IC. I am going to properly roleplay accordingly to whatever your character might want to try and do, be it a consequence of Jed's actions or otherwise (no need to ask for my OOC permission, even if the action would be considered unprompted/unwarranted IC). This includes but isn't limited to things like mind control, dismemberment, imprisonment, slavery etc. Permanent death is possible, but with all the ways of bringing dead back to life dnd offers paired with the server being ridiculously high-magic, I wouldn't count on it too much. Jed wants to live, and with him being such a cutthroat jerk, nothing pleasant awaits him in the afterlife, a fact he's well aware of. This means he'll do everything in his might to either not die, or not stay dead. However, this also means that he's viscerally afraid of dying, even temporarily, and won't act in a surreal, chaotic stupid manner when faced with a death-threat he's convinced can be backed up.

Now all that said, the fact that a lot of things -can- happen, doesn't necessarily mean they are -going to-. When going after Jed, expectations should be managed accordingly to character's capabilities. He's a dangerous and capable individual, as well as a vicious fighter, and he'll do whatever it takes to get away with doing terrible things. Attempting to punish him might result in him getting punished just as well as in even more bad stuff happening to would-be punishers. Roleplaying is not a fairy tale where villains always get what they deserve, and where good guys always come out on top in the end, do keep that in mind to avoid misconceptions.

While I do enjoy to roll the dice as an alternative to traditional PvP, I will most likely transition to the latter after a courteous warning if I smell godmoding. Apply common sense when tossing dices at me and we're both bound to have fun with it.

Always remember that this is nothing more than a video game and a toy.

(@)->->->--       Lights       (@)->->->--

I'm kinda weird when it comes to ERP. Contrary to Jed's main premise, it has nothing to do with stabbing nor murder. Tickle torture and correlated feet and bondage stuff are primary whites of mine, and I prefer my erotic scenes non-con as well as my character being dominant during them. If those can be satisfied, my list of greens becomes very expansive and includes most of anything not listed in reds, with me becoming very much open to including many kinds of other kinkiness to mix things up. If an ERP scene isn't going to decently cover my favorites, then I'm not interested and in such a case it's best to find someone else. I don't have yellows. My reds apply exclusively in sexual context.

Reds: Any character that isn't a cis female, receiving insertions, anything belonging in the toilet, lactation, impregnation, pregnancy, bad hygiene, gore, excessive pain play, genital amputation, ridiculous body proportions, vore that ends up hurting or killing the recipient, necrophilia, death.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human