Chari Kler

Sex: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Height: 5'3"
Build: Wiry, Muscular.
Body: Thin Pear
Age: 20s
Eyes: Pitch-Black

This half-elf is generally covered in bronze armor, well taken care of, but clearly some sort of ancestral artifact due to the clear amount of wear. It looks to perhaps to be even a native make of Icenfar if one should care.

Should take her helm off, her eyes, deep pools of black would be the first things visible. Her hair was roughly chopped to be out of the way, but clearly not by a barber. Below those, a scarred ridge of a nose leads to a black veil, covering the rest of her face.

Should she unveil, or disrobe, one could see the truly horrific mass of scars upon her form, from nose to toe. Burns, lacerations, whip-markings, punctures, glistening remnants of magic all dot her form. Her face bears one of the largest, a burn from her throat upwards.

Her body could generally be considered attractive, years of struggle in the tundra has given her a steely form and well-shaped legs and buttocks, if you can get past scar tissue.

                     -On Lights-
Red: Toilet-Play, Rape, Extreme Hyper, Non-Intel Animals
Yellow: Dubcon
Green: Everything Else

Note: Chari the PC will have a diverse set of reactions for "Greens"
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human