
Portrait Save
Height: 157cm / 5'2"
Weight: 8 stone / 112 lb

A scowl often cuts across her face, when not a bemused look of boredom. Her eyes are a subtle green, ringed with stibium. Her sleek, smoky mauve bangs hanging just above them, a prominent feature of her short-cut look. She can be found, most days, hunting down alchemical components, or seldom at a dingy dive, obliterating as much of her memory as her weak tolerance will allow.

Fex is a slight figure, and none too imposing. More bottom-heavy than top-, she has firm, perky breasts, tiny nipples poking into whatever clothing she wears, and her ass gives a mirthful jiggle when moving about that her demeanor does not reciprocate.


Reds: toilet, scat, completely non-con

dub-con is cool, though, but we gotta talk first


If your toons have telepathy or mind-affecting abilities, use them, or RP it in a PM. It's one way to call to her.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human