
There's odd, and then there's Blank....

Unfortunately Blank doesn't really know much about herself, she's lived and died countless times and the sheer chaos energy that formed her refuses to let her stay dead.  Anyone with true seeing would see her true form, which appears to just be a void of swirling energy.  Despite being possibly one of the strangest creatures in this land, she doesn't really seem bothered by it.  Her attire certainly seems fitting for this place, though her motivations seem more based on comfort than seduction in mind.  

Were one to look into her eyes, they'd be greeted with the shifting colors of the rainbow, including the occasional color that just hasn't been seen before, though it disappears as quicly as it came.  

Most of the time Blank can be found lounging on a bench either reading or seemingly lost in the sounds of the strange contraption she sometimes wears on her head (They're headphones)

More to be added as she develops!


Red: Rape, scat, watersports, torture, enslavement

Greens/Whites: Shemales/herms, men, animals, goblins, unique creatures, incest, impregnation

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf