Astarius Truthcaller

A Hero, that's what you once were...

You stood boldly against the Shadow, and purchased another dawn for the world... with your life.


This individual is clad in runic Black Tattered Armour,  Iconograthy and Unholy Runes mark the individuals Armour.   What remains of his past the the tatters of a Holy Order no longer.   His face is bone pale and cold.   His glare is cold ice, once green eyes brimming with life now lifeless and cold, a manic glare set in about him.   His hair is Dead White, no longer brimming with the Light it once held.


Roleplay - I am more interested in what you are going to roleplay and how you decide to interact.   As such, I won't tell you anything about preferences, you must discover this yourself.
Player / Character respect - I enjoy players that can respect the concept of another players character.   If you can't handle this, I'm not interested in playing with you.   Respect my character and I'll respect yours.  You don't need to like my character in order to respect the concept.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human