Milja Nys'Dominasa-Vulggbløt

Name: Milja Nys'Dominasa-Vulggbløt
Race: Demonic chimera
Gender: Female (Usually)
Sexuality: Probably not you
Build: Athletically chubby
Mother: Arawinla Nys'Dominasa
Father: Katryna Vulggbløt

Milja is a bubbly, cheerful, carefree woman. She often has a smile on her face, and her tone is friendly. She's a bit of a ditz, easily excitable, and generally has a heart bigger than her brain.

She's fluffy, looks somewhat doggish, and is a bit of a nudist... though she /tries/ to wear clothes sometimes at least.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human