
Portrait Save
[Fact File]
Name - Vel'thraxia
Epithet - the Crimson Fury
Alias - Velia Patricia Balefyr
Race - Dragon, Chromatic (Red)
Age - 465
Sex - Appears Female
Alignment - Chaotic Evil

An arrogant and scorned red dragon seeking to rectify a grave trespass against her through calculated malevolence. Spurred by the need to prove herself insurmountable and to expand her opulent hoard, this black-hearted wyrm will use any means necessary to accomplish her malign goals. Her superficial intelligence and meticulous planning contend constantly with her famously short temper.

[Human Form]
Height - 6'4
Weight - 150lbs
Age - Appears 30
Skin - Tanned Caucasian
Hair - Crimson
Eyes - Golden
Build - Feminine, Toned
Scent - Rose Oil
Distinctive Feature - Crown-like Horns

A form that has been crafted with relentless attention to detail, this disguised drake envisions an infuriating beauty devoid of the slightest imperfection. Resplendent in dress and royal in countenance, this crimson-haired beauty casts a charismatic and enticing stare from her golden eyes. Her figure is a mix of toned muscle and feminine curves, proudly displaying hints of physical might and combining it seamlessly with sexual allure. Even in the most lavish of disguises, the arrogance of this dragon can always be seen in a crown of horns that just tote the line between draconic mutation and eccentric hair ornament to allow for plausible deniability.

[Dragon Form]
Height - 12'
Length - 55'
Wingspan - 75'
Weight - 20, 000 lbs
Age - Mature Adult
Scales - Dark Crimson
Scent - Smoke/Sulfur
Distinctive Feature - Scar Across Chest

Fury and flame given form, this colossal red dragon carries herself with forced poise to pamper her own arrogance. Golden jewelry decorates her multitude of cranial horns, with golden bands around the spurs of her wings and the end of her tail. Her claws are pitch black and her eyes are glowing pools of molten gold. Though her scales carry a flawless sheen, she bares a large scar across her chest from her left shoulder to her belly. The scar seems to be recent and is still healing. The air seems to shimmer in front of her due to sheer ambient heat she releases.

[Roleplayed Abilities]
Immune to - Sleep/Paralysis/Fire
Vulnerable to - Cold
Traits - Blindsense/Keen Senses/Darkvision
Abilities - Frightful Presence/Fire Breath
Spells - Bane/Dominate Person/Heat Metal/Hypnotic Pattern/Suggestion

As the living embodiment of flame, red dragons were utterly immune to all forms of heat and fire, but consequently suffered damage from concentrated cold. All forms of stealth and invisibility were useless around the preternatural senses of the malign wyrm. The mere presence of such a fierce foe struck supernatural fear into the hearts of their enemies. Imperious creatures, red dragons could utilize mind-altering magic to dominate their foes. The breath of a red dragon was famously hot, able to melt even the most enchanted metal given enough time.

[Sexual Details]
Demeanor - Always Dominant
Position - Switch
Preferred Sexes - Futa/Female/Male

Amongst red dragons, it was the female that approached the male to initiate coupling. Female red dragons always chose the most powerful mate available, but had to display a decent amount of personal might themselves for successful courtship to occur. Selfish lovers, red dragons seek to control and dominate their mates and sexual advances could be violent and rough. Vel'thraxia's arrogance and temper refused to let her submit to another, and she will seek to control her mate in any sexual encounter.
Player:Gallowmere Waltz
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human