Fraya Wolfcaller

Name: Fraya
Class: Ranger
Race: Half Wolf/Half Elf

Looks: She has two features that are easy to notice one is her tail the other is her fuzzy ears that are hidden under her hair. she also has many old scars on her body from various fights and other pack things that happen she is most times followed by her brother Chase

Story: she was born from an elf noble who was assaulted and raped by a male dire wolf. after the incident she was born her mother died in childbirth and the husband left the kid in the woods to fend for herself though being a baby she couldn't do much until a wolf caught her scent and found her and took her in she was raised by the wolfs and though there ways until she became 16 after that she was found by a druid and taught the basics of the bow and given the name Fraya but she didnt quite grasp speech she can say simple things but most of her talking is growls and awooo sounds
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf