Koyama Erika

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¡Updated: May-7-22!

Basic Stuff:
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Red

---------------IC info:---------------

A pretty girl with pale skin, night-dark hair, and red eyes catches your attention, at first glance she looks quite menacing with her mask and armor, the truth is... Erika is a fraud.

When Erika was a little girl she met a traveler from a different plane, her armor, her way of fighting, everything caught the little Erika's attention. Admiration turned into fanaticism very quickly and when this traveler offered to teach Erika the basics of fighting she didn't hesitate for a second.

Erika was and is (for now) a poor fighter. Her mentor didn't have much time before go, and Erika learned what she could in that short amount of time.

Erika always pretends to appear mysterious and menacing, but she's really nothing like that (at least for now) her facade quickly falls in the face of a more powerful adversary or simply in a life-death situation. She's quite selfish and if she has the opportunity to run away from any of those things she will do it without caring who leaves behind.

(All of this can change depending on what happens in her story)

---------------OOC info:---------------

Greens: Everything that is not in reds
Reds: Rules, Gore, Death, 90% of Males, OOC/IC drama, Scat.

The rest of things are just fine (don't be afraid to ask anyway)

Languages: English & Spanish. (Be patient with the speed I write in English and don't hesitate to point out my mistakes)

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Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human